Part of that celebration is a revamp of the Change Rangers web site, as I also soon enter a 7th year of weekly blog writing in March 2017. General topic category titles for the blog will be changing a bit, but these will still include commentary on a range of topic areas in longevity, aging and demographic shifts such as:
- Global trends, statistics, research, profiles of older lives lived
- Social policy, financing longevity, pensions, retirement, health & home care
- Science & technology advances, 50 + marketing, market research, work & later life career
- Urban & home design, age-friendly housing options, neo-neighbourhoods, aging in place, assisted living, senior living,
- Inter-generational connectivity hubs & support systems, collaborations, mentoring
The Change Rangers business focus will remain on speaking engagements, research and advisory work primarily with organizations, helping to get a better handle on marketing to segments of a 50-plus demographic or to develop an organizational strategy to be more relevant in meeting the emergent needs & trends with demographic shifts, aging in a longevity society.
However, there will be a greater concentration on the subject of developing “age inclusive communities”. I use that term as opposed to “age friendly”. In future, if input beyond current older populations is to be encouraged, a more appropriate term is “age inclusive”. Often when we hear the term age-friendly community, it runs the risk of sounding like tokenism – a dialogue in a seniors-centric bubble. The evolution of community is every generation’s project.
Not to ignore my previous years of expertise, working directly in the career and talent development field, where individual advisory services for entrepreneurship in later life has become my sweet spot, I will be taking on a slightly different twist on that subject.
Assuming the promise of greater longevity endures and the prospect of working later in life increases, our relationship to work – what we do & how we engage in it – will become constantly regenerative in process and episodic in nature. It changes how we will plug and play with work, in synergy with other parts of our life.
Look for the new look, new focus and new tag line which will come by March 1st.
Just for more levity (which could be my motto this year) –
the original logo for Change Rangers!