2024. The 14th year of the Change Rangers weekly blog! Change Rangers is an Associate Member of the International Federation on Ageing.

Age Inclusive Communities

The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2007 presented its Age-Friendly Cities Guide, now a global movement - an Age-Friendly World. It is primarily about developing strategies to incorporate the life needs of an older population within the community.

In future, if input beyond current older populations is to be encouraged, a more appropriate term is Age Inclusive. The evolution of community is every generation’s project.

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Global Longevity Narratives

Aging demographics have varying influences on social structures and business markets around the world. Opportunity or challenge, we face a future where the potential for society, with increased life expectancy, is greater than at any time in human history.

Longevity in this context becomes an inter-generational matter. We all have a vested interest in shaping changes to social policy related to such matters as pension reform, health care, home care & life-long learning.

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Technology & Aging Horizons

In the expansive world of a Longevity Economy, many business sectors are marketing specific products and services largely identifiable to segments of a diverse older adult population.

Gerontechnology is one of the most significant areas of work where so much product research & development is on fast forward. This is a new horizon where technology is at an intersection with aging and longevity to help older adults stay engaged and live healthier lives.

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SE Health Chrysalis Innovation Challenge 2024.

Over summer of 2024, while I took a vacation from my usual weekly posts on a broad range of matters related to the field of aging and longevity, I still kept my eye on what’s up. So to start with, the focus for the next two weeks is on innovation challenge competitions now under way. 

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Summer Shorts 74: Drink & Think Venice, a Conversation Passport.

Venice. On numerous visits over twenty four years, since my feet first found wings on the ground in the city, I’ve made it my pleasure to shape my own course as an anonymous wanderer, even if somewhat informed by carefully selected editions from the mountain of guidebooks pumped out incessantly every year. I have very

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